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Air source heat pump+flue gas: an innovative solution for achieving thermal energy reuse

Date:2024-06-24 16:29:18

The increase in energy consumption and the increasingly serious environmental problems have made energy conservation and emission reduction a focus of concern for various industries. In the field of heating, air source heat pumps have received widespread attention due to their efficient and environmentally friendly characteristics. However, how to further improve the energy efficiency of air source heat pumps and maximize the utilization of various thermal energy resources is an important direction for current technological development. Combining flue gas with air source heat pumps and utilizing the residual heat in flue gas is an innovative solution for achieving thermal energy reuse.

An air source heat pump is a device that heats water or heating by absorbing heat from the air, and its working principle is similar to a reverse running air conditioning system. The main work process is as follows:

Evaporation: An air source heat pump absorbs heat from the air, causing the low-temperature refrigerant to evaporate into gas in the evaporator.

Compression: The compressor compresses low-temperature and low-pressure refrigerant gas into high-temperature and high-pressure gas.

Air source heat pump+flue gas: an innovative solution for achieving thermal energy reuse

Condensation: High temperature and high pressure refrigerant gases release heat in the condenser, heating water or air while condensing themselves into a liquid.

Expansion: The liquid refrigerant is depressurized and cooled through the expansion valve, and then re enters the evaporator to start a new cycle.

In industrial production and heating processes, smoke is a common waste heat source. Smoke contains a large amount of thermal energy. If this thermal energy can be effectively utilized, it will improve energy utilization efficiency, reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution. Combining air source heat pumps with flue gas and utilizing the residual heat in the flue gas is an efficient way of reusing thermal energy.

The flue gas waste heat recovery system transfers the heat from the flue gas to the air source heat pump system through a heat exchanger. The specific process is as follows:

Smoke pretreatment: Filter and cool the smoke to remove harmful substances and dust.

Heat exchange: The pre treated flue gas undergoes heat exchange with the refrigerant in the air source heat pump system through a heat exchanger, transferring the heat from the flue gas to the refrigerant.

Heat pump operation: Air source heat pumps use the heat obtained to evaporate and compress the refrigerant, further improving the efficiency of heat utilization.

Discharge of cooled flue gas: After heat exchange, the temperature of the flue gas significantly decreases and is discharged into the atmosphere.

Advantages of air source heat pump+flue gas scheme

Improving energy efficiency: Traditional air source heat pump systems rely solely on the heat in the air for heating, while using flue gas as an auxiliary heat source can improve the heating efficiency of the heat pump. The combination of thermal energy in flue gas and air source heat pump system can maintain efficient operation in low-temperature environment and improve overall energy utilization efficiency.

Reducing environmental pollution: Smoke contains a large amount of thermal energy and pollutants. By recovering heat through heat exchangers, not only can direct emissions of smoke be reduced, atmospheric pollution be reduced, but also the demand for electrical energy in heat pump systems can be reduced, carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced, and more environmentally friendly heating solutions can be achieved.

Reduce operating costs: By utilizing waste heat from flue gas, the dependence of air source heat pump systems on electricity can be reduced, resulting in lower energy consumption and operating costs. Especially in today's constantly rising energy prices, the recycling and utilization of waste heat from flue gas can save heating costs and improve economic benefits.

Diversified heat source utilization: The air source heat pump+flue gas scheme provides a diverse selection of heat sources for heating systems. In addition to air and smoke, the system can also combine solar energy, geothermal energy, and other renewable energy sources to achieve multi energy complementarity and improve the flexibility and reliability of the heating system.

The air source heat pump+flue gas thermal energy reuse solution is an efficient, environmentally friendly, and economical heating solution. By combining flue gas waste heat with air source heat pump systems, energy utilization efficiency can be improved, environmental pollution can be reduced, and operating costs can be lowered, which has broad application prospects and development potential. With the continuous progress of technology and the promotion and application of the market, the air source heat pump+flue gas scheme will make greater contributions to achieving energy conservation and emission reduction, improving the economic and environmental benefits of heating systems.



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