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Coal mine exhaust heat recovery: working principle and multiple functions of a heat pump system

Date:2023-10-20 13:58:39

As an important energy resource mining base, coal mines have always been seeking to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and pay attention to energy efficiency and environmental protection. In this context, coal mine exhaust heat recovery technology has attracted widespread attention due to its multiple functions and environmental protection characteristics.

In deep coal mines, the problem of lack of air has always been a challenge in the working environment. Lack of air, usually due to the depth of the mine and the particularity of the underground structure, leads to poor air circulation, which in turn affects the health and work efficiency of workers. However, the problems caused by this lack of air are also accompanied by the waste of high-temperature waste heat.

Exhaust heat refers to the high-temperature exhaust gas generated in mines. These exhaust gases contain a large amount of heat, which, if captured and effectively utilized, will bring enormous potential. This is precisely the goal that the waste heat recovery technology of exhaust air is committed to achieving, which converts this waste heat into renewable energy and provides multiple application methods.

The exhaust heat recovery technology adopts an air source heat pump system, which captures and effectively utilizes the heat energy in high-temperature exhaust gas. The following is the working principle of a heat pump system:

Exhaust gas capture: The exhaust heat pump system captures high-temperature exhaust gas through an exhaust gas collection device, which can be achieved through a heat exchanger or exhaust gas pipeline.

Heat pump technology: The captured high-temperature exhaust gas is introduced into the heat pump system, where heat energy is transferred to the heat transfer medium.

Coal mine exhaust heat recovery: working principle and multiple functions of a heat pump system

Heat distribution: The system distributes the captured heat energy through pipelines and radiators to various areas in mining facilities for heating, hot water supply, or other purposes.

Control system: Heat pump systems are usually equipped with intelligent control systems to monitor temperature and energy demand to ensure efficient operation of the heating system.

This series of work steps converts high-temperature exhaust gas into practical and usable energy, achieving the regeneration and utilization of waste resources.

The coal mine exhaust heat recovery technology has multiple application fields in the mining industry, as follows:

Frost prevention at the wellhead: In deep coal mines, the wellhead area usually faces low temperatures, which may lead to equipment freezing and work interruption. The waste heat recovery technology of exhaust air provides sufficient heat energy through the heat pump system, which is used for antifreeze equipment and to ensure the smooth operation of the wellhead. This not only helps improve work efficiency, but also reduces maintenance and repair costs.

Building heating: Buildings within a coal mine site, such as office buildings, dormitories, and facilities, also require heating. Traditional heating systems typically rely on external energy sources, and exhaust heat recovery technology provides a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly heating option for these buildings. By distributing the captured high-temperature heat inside the building, these systems provide workers with a warm working and living environment.

Hot water supply: In addition to heating, air source heat pump systems can also be used to provide hot water. This is of great significance in the living facilities, restaurants, and bathrooms in coal mines. By recovering waste heat from exhaust air, hot water supply has become a more economical and environmentally friendly solution.

By using exhaust heat recovery technology and heat pump systems, the coal mining industry can gain multiple advantages and benefits, including:

Energy cost savings: By reducing reliance on external energy, mines can reduce heating costs and improve energy efficiency.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: Effective energy recovery can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from mines, reduce environmental footprint, and promote sustainable development.

Improving workers' quality of life: Providing heating and hot water improves workers' comfort and quality of life, thereby helping to attract and retain talent.

Resource sustainability: The waste heat recovery and heating system of exhaust air can help improve resource sustainability, reduce environmental risks in mines, and create a more sustainable working environment for the future.

The coal mine exhaust heat recovery technology has become an important technological advancement in the coal mining industry due to its innovation and multiple application fields. Through the working principle of the heat pump system, high-temperature exhaust gas can be converted into renewable energy, meeting the heating, antifreeze, and hot water supply needs of coal mines. This not only helps to improve energy efficiency, but also reduces the environmental footprint of coal mines, achieving sustainable resource utilization. In the coal mining industry, the technology of waste heat recovery from exhaust air will continue to play a crucial role in promoting the industry's development towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly direction.



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