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Waste heat recovery and utilization of exhaust air_ Heating equipment for mine wellhead

Date:2023-05-22 09:51:03

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the increasing shortage of energy resources, mining enterprises need to find more energy-saving and environmentally friendly ways to meet their heating needs during the production process. Waste heat recovery and utilization of exhaust air is an effective energy-saving technology that can recycle and reuse the heat energy in the mine ventilation system, provide it to the wellhead heating equipment, and achieve energy recycling.

The principle of exhaust heat recovery and utilization technology is to transfer the heat energy from the exhaust gas discharged from the mine to the cooled air or water through a heat exchanger, causing it to heat up. Then, the heated air or water is used for heating the wellhead heating equipment. Specifically, the waste heat recovery and utilization equipment for exhaust air usually includes the following components:

Heat exchanger: Heat exchanger is one of the equipment in the waste heat recovery and utilization system of exhaust air, used to achieve heat transfer between exhaust gas and cooling medium. Common types of heat exchangers include plate heat exchangers, tube heat exchangers, etc. These devices can effectively transfer the heat energy in the exhaust gas to the cooling medium.

Cooling medium circulation system: The cooling medium circulation system includes equipment such as pumps and pipelines, which are used to circulate the cooling medium (usually air or water) to a heat exchanger for heat exchange. The cooling medium absorbs the heat energy from the exhaust gas after passing through the heat exchanger, and then is transported to the wellhead heating equipment for heating.

Heating equipment: Heating equipment includes radiators, air heaters, and other equipment, used to transfer the heat energy provided by the waste heat recovery and utilization system to the wellhead area, achieving heating effects. Heating equipment usually needs to be used in conjunction with exhaust heat recovery and utilization systems to ensure stable and reliable heating effects.

The application of waste heat recovery and utilization technology in mine wellhead heating equipment has the following advantages:

Waste heat recovery and utilization of exhaust air_ Heating equipment for mine wellhead

Energy conservation and emission reduction: The waste heat recovery and utilization of exhaust air can effectively recover the heat energy from the exhaust gas discharged from the mine, avoiding the waste of heat energy. By using the recovered heat energy for wellhead heating equipment, it can reduce dependence on traditional energy, reduce energy consumption, and achieve the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction, which has positive significance for environmental protection.

Improving energy utilization efficiency: Traditional mine heating methods usually require separate energy input for heating, while exhaust heat recovery and utilization technology can fully utilize the heat energy in exhaust gas to achieve energy reuse. This not only improves energy utilization efficiency, reduces resource waste, but also reduces the energy costs of enterprises.

Environmentally friendly: The waste heat recovery and utilization technology of exhaust air reduces exhaust emissions and reduces pollution to the atmospheric environment. By utilizing the heat energy in exhaust gas for heating, the release of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides generated during the combustion process can be reduced, which has a positive impact on improving environmental quality.

Maintain a comfortable working environment: The working environment in mines is usually harsh, and low temperatures may have adverse effects on the physical health and work efficiency of workers. The heating provided by waste heat recovery and utilization technology can improve the temperature of the mine wellhead area, create a more comfortable working environment for workers, and improve work efficiency and production safety.

In summary, the application of waste heat recovery and utilization technology in mine wellhead heating equipment is of great significance. It can not only achieve energy recycling, energy conservation and emission reduction, reduce energy costs for enterprises, but also improve the working environment and protect the environment. With the continuous progress and promotion of technology, the waste heat recovery and utilization technology of exhaust air will play a greater role in the mining industry, promoting the development of green and low-carbon mining.



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