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What are the human factors that belong to mine water filling?

Date:2024-07-17 13:17:14

In the process of mining mineral resources, the problem of mine water filling has always been a safety hazard that can not be ignored. In addition to natural factors, human factors also play an important role in mine water filling accidents. How to effectively prevent and control these human factors has become the key to ensure mine safety production. The following is an analysis of human factors in mine water filling, so let's protect mine safety together.

Unreasonable mining, burying potential safety hazards

While pursuing output and benefit, some mining enterprises ignore safety regulations, resulting in unreasonable mining from time to time. For example, the unauthorized exploitation of waterproof and isolated coal pillars makes the mine lose its natural hydrological isolation barrier, and once it encounters an area rich in groundwater, it will easily lead to mine water filling accidents. In addition, super-layer cross-border mining is also one of human factors, which destroys the original geological balance and lays a hidden danger for mine water filling.

What are the human factors that belong to mine water filling?

Improper exploration and drainage measures aggravate safety risks.

Mine drainage is an important means to prevent mine water filling. However, in actual operation, due to the incomplete water exploration work, the hydrogeological conditions of the mine could not be accurately ascertained, resulting in inadequate waterproof measures. At the same time, the drainage measures are not effective, which can not effectively reduce the mine water inflow, making the mine vulnerable when facing hydrological threats.

Mine drainage system is not perfect, reducing waterproof ability.

A perfect mine drainage system is the key to ensure mine safety. However, due to improper selection of drainage pump and unreasonable design of drainage system, the drainage efficiency is low, and even it can't play a role at critical moments. In addition, improper daily maintenance of drainage facilities will also lead to drainage system failure and aggravate the risk of mine water filling.

Poor management of waterproof gate and waterproof wall weakens waterproof defense line.

Waterproof gate and waterproof wall are important waterproof facilities in mine, but the problems such as substandard construction quality and inadequate daily inspection and maintenance make these waterproof facilities useless. Once the mine is filled with water, they can't play their due role, leading to the expansion of the accident.

The construction and management are not standardized, which has buried potential safety hazards.

In the process of mine construction and management, irregular operations abound. The loose sealing of drilling holes and irregular blasting operation may destroy the original hydrogeological structure of the mine and cause water filling in the mine. However, the confusion of mine management and the ineffective implementation of water disaster prevention measures have aggravated this risk.

Insufficient awareness of environmental protection aggravates hydrogeological problems.

Insufficient awareness of environmental protection around the mining area, such as unreasonable stacking of wastes and destruction of surface water bodies, may affect the flow direction and quantity of groundwater, thus affecting mine safety.

The monitoring and forecasting system is not perfect, and the preventive opportunity is missed.

Establishing a sound mine hydrogeological monitoring system is an important means to prevent mine water filling. However, many mines have not invested enough in this field, which makes it impossible to find and deal with hydrogeological hidden dangers in time.

There are many human factors in mine water filling, so we must start from the source, strengthen safety awareness, standardize construction and management, improve the reliability of waterproof facilities, establish and improve the monitoring and forecasting system, and provide a solid guarantee for mine safety production. Let's work together to protect mine safety and create a better future.



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