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What are the basic requirements for mine ventilation systems?

Date:2024-07-08 15:16:11

The mine ventilation system is one of the key projects to ensure a safe and healthy working environment in the mine. A reasonable ventilation system can not only provide fresh air, but also dilute and eliminate harmful gases, dust, and heat, ensuring the safety of miners and the production efficiency of the mine.

Ventilation requirements

Ensure sufficient fresh air supply: The ventilation system in the mine must be able to provide fresh air to meet the breathing needs of miners and the operational requirements of equipment in the mine. Usually, the amount of fresh air required for each miner in a mine should not be less than 4-6 cubic meters per minute. For special occupations or high-intensity work environments, ventilation should be appropriately increased.

Dilution and elimination of harmful gases: There may be various harmful gases in the mine, such as carbon monoxide, methane, carbon dioxide, etc. The ventilation system must have the ability to dilute the concentration of these harmful gases to a safe range and promptly discharge them from the mine. In general, the concentration of carbon monoxide should be controlled below 50ppm, methane concentration should be controlled below 1%, and carbon dioxide concentration should be controlled below 0.5%.

What are the basic requirements for mine ventilation systems?

Control temperature and humidity: The temperature and humidity inside the mine have a significant impact on the working environment of miners and the operation of production equipment. The ventilation system should be able to effectively control the temperature and humidity inside the mine and maintain a suitable working environment. In general, the temperature inside the mine should be controlled between 16-30 ℃, and the humidity should be controlled between 40-60%.

Design requirements for ventilation systems

Reasonable ventilation route: The design of the ventilation system should ensure smooth air circulation and avoid dead corners and air retention areas. The ventilation route should be as simple as possible to reduce the resistance and energy loss of air flow. The main ventilation route should be arranged in the main production area and high-risk areas of the mine, such as excavation working face, mining working face, equipment room, etc.

Ventilation power: The ventilation system must have ventilation power to ensure the effectiveness of air circulation. Ventilation power is generally provided by the main ventilation fan, local ventilation fan, and auxiliary ventilation equipment together. The main ventilation fan should have air volume and pressure to meet the ventilation needs of the entire mine. Local ventilation fans are used for ventilation in specific work areas, and auxiliary ventilation equipment such as air ducts and windows are used to guide and regulate air flow.

Safe ventilation equipment: The equipment in the ventilation system must have good safety performance and be able to operate stably under various working conditions. Ventilation fans, electric motors, air ducts and other equipment should have explosion-proof, fireproof, anti-corrosion and other functions to adapt to the complex environmental conditions in the mine. In addition, ventilation equipment should have automatic monitoring and control functions, which can monitor the air quality and ventilation status in the mine in real time and make timely adjustments.

Operational requirements for ventilation systems

Regular maintenance and repair: The ventilation system must undergo regular maintenance and repair to ensure the normal operation of equipment and ventilation effectiveness. The maintenance and repair cycle of ventilation fans, air ducts, wind windows and other equipment should be determined based on usage and equipment manuals. Generally, inspections should be conducted quarterly and major repairs should be conducted every six months. In addition, equipment operation records and fault handling files should be established to ensure the traceability of equipment operation.

Real time monitoring and regulation: The ventilation situation in the mine should be monitored in real time and regulated in a timely manner according to the actual situation. The monitoring content includes air flow rate, wind pressure, harmful gas concentration, temperature, humidity, etc. The ventilation system should be equipped with corresponding monitoring instruments and control equipment, such as wind speed meters, gas detectors, temperature and humidity meters, etc., to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of monitoring data.

Emergency ventilation plan: The ventilation system in the mine should have emergency ventilation function to cope with sudden accidents or equipment failures. The emergency ventilation plan includes backup ventilation equipment, emergency ventilation routes, emergency ventilation measures, etc. In the event of an accident or equipment malfunction, the emergency ventilation plan should be promptly activated to ensure the ventilation effect in the mine and the safety of miners.

Management requirements for ventilation systems

Develop ventilation management system: Detailed ventilation management system should be established for the management of mine ventilation system, clarifying the responsibilities, processes, and standards of ventilation management. The ventilation management system should include specific requirements and operational norms for the design, installation, operation, maintenance, inspection, monitoring, and other aspects of the ventilation system, to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the ventilation system.

Training and assessment: The management and operation personnel of the mine ventilation system should have professional knowledge and skills, and undergo regular training and assessment. The training content includes the basic principles of ventilation systems, equipment operation and maintenance, safety operating procedures, etc. The assessment content includes theoretical knowledge, practical operation ability, emergency response ability, etc., to ensure that management and operation personnel have high professional quality and emergency response ability.

Optimization and improvement of ventilation system: The optimization and improvement of mine ventilation system is a continuous process. With the changes in mining production conditions and the development of technology, the ventilation system should be continuously optimized and improved to adapt to new production needs and technical requirements. The content of optimization and improvement includes the updating and replacement of ventilation equipment, adjustment of ventilation routes, and improvement of ventilation management systems.

The mine ventilation system is a key project to ensure a safe and healthy working environment in the mine, and its design, installation, operation, maintenance and other aspects have strict requirements. Through reasonable ventilation control, scientific system design, safe equipment operation, and efficient management system, the mine ventilation system can effectively ensure the safety of miners and the production efficiency of the mine. Mining enterprises should attach great importance to the construction and management of mine ventilation systems, continuously innovate and optimize technology, and provide solid guarantees for mine safety production.



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