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Revealing the Heating Effect of Northeast Air, Fearless in Facing Severe Cold

Date:2024-07-05 16:06:29

In winter, the severe cold climate in the north has become a hot topic of discussion among people. Especially in the Northeast region, winter temperatures often drop to tens of degrees below zero, making heating a particularly important issue. In recent years, air heating as a new environmentally friendly heating method has gradually attracted people's attention and favor. So, how effective is air heating in the harsh cold climate of Northeast China? Can people really face the harsh cold without worries?

Air heating is a technology that utilizes the heat in the air for heating. Its working principle is similar to air conditioning, which uses an air energy heat pump to absorb the low-temperature heat in the outdoor air. After being compressed by a compressor to increase the temperature, the heat is then released into the room through a heat exchanger to achieve heating effects. The important components of air energy heat pumps include compressors, heat exchangers, expansion valves, and condensers.

Air heating has the following advantages:

Revealing the Heating Effect of Northeast Air, Fearless in Facing Severe Cold

Environmental protection and energy conservation: Air can warm and utilize the heat in the air, without the need to burn fossil fuels, so it does not produce waste gas and pollutants, making it environmentally friendly. At the same time, its energy efficiency ratio (COP value) is high, reaching over 3.0, which means that inputting 1kW of electrical energy can generate more than 3kW of thermal energy, with energy-saving effects.

Safe and reliable: Air can provide heating without involving open flames or gas, eliminating potential safety hazards during combustion, such as fires and gas poisoning.

High comfort: The air heating system can achieve uniform temperature distribution, avoiding the uneven indoor temperature caused by traditional heating methods, and improving the comfort of heating.

The Application of Air Heating in Northeast China

Challenges Faced

The winter temperature in the Northeast region is as low as minus 20-30 degrees Celsius, and the application of air heating in this extremely cold climate faces certain challenges. Mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Energy efficiency reduction in low-temperature environments: The heat absorption efficiency of air energy heat pumps decreases at extremely low temperatures, leading to a decrease in energy efficiency and potentially affecting heating efficiency.

Frost problem: In low temperature and high humidity environments, the outdoor unit of the air energy heat pump is prone to frost, which affects its normal operation and requires frequent defrosting.

Response measures and effects

In response to the severe cold climate in the Northeast region, air heating equipment manufacturers and users have taken a series of measures to ensure its stable and efficient operation in low-temperature environments.

Low temperature air energy heat pump: Currently, air energy heat pumps suitable for low-temperature environments have been launched on the market, using enhanced heating technologies such as jet enthalpy enhancement technology and two-stage compression technology to improve heating efficiency in low-temperature environments. These low-temperature air energy heat pumps can operate stably in an environment of minus 20-30 degrees Celsius, ensuring indoor warmth like spring.

Intelligent defrosting technology: In response to the problem of frost, modern air energy heat pump equipment adopts intelligent defrosting technology, which automatically adjusts the defrosting frequency and time based on environmental temperature and humidity, ensuring the normal operation and efficient heating of outdoor units.

System optimization design: When installing an air heating system, taking into account the climate characteristics of the Northeast region, the system is optimized by adding auxiliary heating equipment (such as electric heaters), strengthening insulation measures, etc., to further improve heating efficiency and stability.

In practical applications, many users in Northeast China have reported that air can provide good heating effects, and even in extremely cold weather conditions, indoor warmth and comfort can still be maintained. Taking a household in Harbin as an example, they installed a low-temperature air energy heat pump last winter. After a winter of use, the indoor temperature remained around 20 degrees Celsius, and the electricity bill was significantly reduced compared to traditional electric heaters, resulting in significant environmental and energy-saving effects.

Air heating, as a new environmentally friendly heating method, is gradually becoming popular in the Northeast region. Despite facing the challenge of severe cold weather, measures such as low-temperature air energy heat pumps, intelligent defrosting technology, and system optimization design have shown that air heating has a good application effect in Northeast China, allowing people to still enjoy a warm and comfortable life in the cold winter. With the continuous advancement of technology and policy support, the prospect of air heating will become brighter, bringing more families a warm and environmentally friendly winter living experience.



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