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What are the main emergency evacuation facilities in coal mines underground?

Date:2024-06-04 15:15:45

The working environment in coal mines is complex and ever-changing, with frequent accidents. Therefore, the construction and use of emergency evacuation facilities underground are crucial for ensuring the safety of miners.

1、 Refuge chamber

Refuge chambers are one of the important emergency evacuation facilities in coal mines. It is the main refuge for miners in case of sudden accidents, with the following key characteristics:

Protective structure: The walls of the refuge chamber are usually composed of high-strength concrete and explosion-proof materials, which can withstand the impact of disasters such as explosions and fires. The airtight design effectively prevents the infiltration of toxic and harmful gases, ensuring the safety of the internal environment.

Life support system: The chamber is equipped with sufficient oxygen supply system, carbon dioxide absorption device, and temperature control system to ensure the survival conditions of refugees for a long time. Equipping emergency food and drinking water reserves can support the basic living needs of miners during their refuge period.

Communication equipment: Installed with communication equipment to ensure that refugees can maintain contact with ground rescue personnel, report their own situation, and obtain rescue information.

What are the main emergency evacuation facilities in coal mines underground?

2、 Self rescue device

A self rescue device is a personal protective equipment that miners carry with them during underground operations, used for self rescue in emergency situations such as toxic and harmful gas leaks.

Chemical oxygen self rescue device: produces oxygen through chemical reactions for miners to use in oxygen deficient or toxic gas environments, usually providing oxygen supply for more than 30 minutes. Small in size and light in weight, it is easy for miners to carry and use with them.

Filter type self rescue device: removes toxic and harmful gases from the air through a filtering device, allowing miners to breathe in polluted environments. Suitable for short-term emergency evacuation and convenient to use.

3、 Lifesaving cabin

A lifeboat is a new type of escape facility that has developed in recent years. It is similar to a shelter, but more flexible and convenient. It is mainly used in large mines or places where it is difficult to quickly reach refuge chambers.

Modular design: Lifesaving cabins typically adopt a modular design, which facilitates quick installation and use on various working surfaces underground. The internal space is limited, but it can accommodate a certain number of miners for short-term refuge.

Life support system: equipped with basic life support facilities such as oxygen cylinders, CO2 absorption devices, emergency medicine, and food water sources. The cabin is equipped with communication equipment and positioning devices, which facilitate communication between miners and the ground and the positioning of rescue personnel.

4、 Risk avoidance system

The coal mine underground safety avoidance system is a comprehensive safety facility system, including multiple subsystems and equipment, aimed at providing comprehensive safety protection.

Monitoring and early warning system:

Sensors such as gas monitoring, temperature monitoring, and fire alarm are installed underground to monitor changes in the mine environment in real time. Once an abnormal situation is detected, the system automatically alarms and takes corresponding security measures.

Emergency oxygen supply system: Emergency oxygen supply equipment is installed at multiple critical locations underground, allowing miners to quickly obtain oxygen supply in the event of toxic gas leakage or oxygen deficiency.

Evacuation Route Identification System: Clear evacuation route identification is installed underground to help miners quickly find nearby evacuation facilities in emergency situations. The identification system includes emergency lighting, signage, and escape routes, allowing miners to safely avoid danger even in low visibility environments.

5、 Emergency escape device

Emergency escape devices are devices that help miners quickly evacuate hazardous areas after a sudden accident, including escape pipes, slides, and emergency exits.

Escape pipeline: set in different working faces and main transportation tunnels of the mine, using vertical or inclined pipelines to help miners quickly escape to a safe area. Escape pipes are usually made of fire-resistant and impact resistant materials to ensure stability in high temperature or impact situations.

Slide: Installed in underground slopes or shafts, miners can use the slide to quickly slide to the ground or refuge chambers. The slide design takes into account the safety and comfort of miners, with buffering and deceleration devices.

6、 Rescue equipment

Rescue equipment includes underground rescue robots, life detectors, and demolition tools, used for rescue work of trapped miners after accidents occur.

Underground rescue robot: capable of replacing rescue personnel in complex and dangerous environments to perform detection, handling, and rescue tasks. The robot is equipped with cameras, sensors, and robotic arms, which can transmit real-time on-site images and data to assist ground commanders in formulating rescue plans.

Life detector: used to detect the location and vital signs of trapped miners, improving the efficiency and success rate of rescue work. The detector can work effectively in gas, high temperature, and low visibility environments through technologies such as sound waves and infrared radiation.

Demolition tools: Commonly available underground demolition tools include hydraulic shears, cutting machines, and roof supports, which are used to clear obstacles and open up rescue channels. These tools are small in size, lightweight, easy to carry and operate, and can quickly and efficiently complete demolition tasks.

The construction and improvement of emergency evacuation facilities in coal mines are important measures to ensure the safety of miners. By equipping various facilities such as shelters, self rescue devices, lifebuoys, escape systems, emergency escape devices, and rescue equipment, it is possible to effectively respond to various unexpected accidents that may occur underground in coal mines, improve the survival rate and rescue success rate of miners. I hope that the introduction in this article can help everyone better understand the importance and functions of these facilities, and provide strong support for coal mine safety production.



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