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What are the common types of mine water hazards?

Date:2024-05-31 15:44:00

Mine water damage is one of the common and dangerous natural disasters in coal mining, posing a serious threat to the safety of miners and the normal production of mines. Understanding and preventing mine water hazards is crucial for the safety production of mining enterprises.

The main types of mine water damage

Mine water inflow refers to the phenomenon where groundwater suddenly flows into a mine through faults, cracks, or other channels, causing the mine to be submerged or production to be interrupted.

The causes of mine water inrush: high groundwater level: when the groundwater level is higher than the mining level, the groundwater is easy to enter the mine through cracks under the action of water pressure; Fault and fissure development: Faults and fissures are the main channels for groundwater flow. When mining approaches or passes through these channels, water inrush is prone to occur; Disturbance during mining process: During the mining process, the rock layers are disturbed and damaged, which may form new cracks and channels, leading to the influx of groundwater.

The hazards of mine water inrush: Production interruption: Mine water inrush can cause mine flooding, equipment damage, and forced production to stop; Personnel casualties: Sudden water inrush accidents may cause miners to be trapped or drowned, resulting in casualties; Environmental pollution: Mine water inflow may carry harmful substances, contaminating groundwater and surface water sources.

What are the common types of mine water hazards?

Mine water accumulation refers to the phenomenon of water accumulation in the mine due to poor drainage system or drainage equipment failure, which prevents timely drainage of water.

The causes of mine water accumulation: imperfect drainage system: unreasonable design or untimely maintenance of mine drainage system, resulting in the inability to discharge water accumulation; Equipment malfunction: The drainage equipment is aging, damaged, or the power supply is interrupted, making it unable to drain properly; Impact of mining activities: During the mining process, groundwater seeps into the mine, exceeding the processing capacity of the drainage system.

Harm of mine water accumulation: Equipment damage: Water accumulation can corrode mine equipment and shorten its service life; Decreased production efficiency: Water accumulation affects the normal production of mines, reducing production efficiency; Safety hazards: Water accumulation may mask mine hazards and increase the risk of accidents.

Mine water inrush refers to the phenomenon where a large amount of groundwater suddenly flows into a mine in a short period of time, causing mine flooding and serious safety accidents.

The causes of mine water inrush: complex hydrogeological conditions: complex geological structure in the area where the mine is located, frequent groundwater flow, and high risk of water inrush; Increase in mining depth: As the mining depth of the mine increases and approaches the groundwater layer, the risk of water inrush increases; Impact of natural disasters: earthquake, rainstorm and other natural disasters may cause mine water inrush.

The hazards of mine water inrush: casualties: Water inrush accidents occur quickly, making it difficult for miners to evacuate in a timely manner, which can easily cause casualties; Economic losses: Water inrush accidents cause mine flooding, equipment damage, and high repair costs; Environmental damage: Sudden water may carry harmful substances inside the mine, causing environmental pollution.

Mine overflow refers to the phenomenon where the accumulated water in a mine exceeds the capacity of the drainage system, causing water to overflow from the mine wellhead or other outlets.

The causes of mine overflow: concentrated rainfall: heavy or continuous rainfall causes surface water to seep into the mine, and the drainage system cannot handle it; Drainage equipment failure: The drainage equipment is aging or damaged, resulting in insufficient drainage capacity; Impact of mining activities: During the mining process, groundwater seeps into the mine, exceeding the treatment capacity of the drainage system.

The hazards of mine overflow: equipment damage: Overflow can corrode mine equipment and shorten its service life; Production interruption: Overflow leads to mine flooding, forcing production to stop; Safety hazards: Overflow may mask mine hazards and increase the risk of accidents.

Measures for preventing and controlling mine water hazards

Measures to improve the drainage system:

Reasonable design of drainage system: Based on the geological conditions and mining conditions of the mine, design a reasonable drainage system to ensure smooth drainage.

Regular maintenance of drainage equipment: Regularly inspect and maintain drainage equipment to ensure its normal operation.

Install backup drainage equipment: Install backup drainage equipment in critical areas to prevent equipment failures from causing water accumulation.

Effect: Improving the drainage system can effectively prevent water accumulation and overflow in the mine, ensuring normal production and safety of the mine.

Strengthening hydrogeological survey measures:

Survey hydrogeological conditions: Before mining, conduct hydrogeological surveys to understand the groundwater situation.

Monitoring groundwater dynamics: Real time monitoring of groundwater dynamics during the mining process, timely detection and handling of abnormal situations.

Develop waterproof plan: Based on survey and monitoring results, develop a scientific waterproof plan to ensure quick response in case of emergencies.

Effect: Strengthening hydrogeological exploration can identify and evaluate the risk of mine water damage in advance, take targeted preventive measures, and improve mine safety.

Application of new technological measures:

Introducing drainage technology: adopting efficient drainage equipment and technology to improve drainage capacity.

Application monitoring and early warning system: Install a groundwater monitoring and early warning system to monitor the mine water level and water pressure in real time, and timely warn of water inrush risks.

Conduct scientific research: Strengthen research on mine water hazard prevention and control technology, develop new waterproof materials and equipment, and improve the level of prevention and control.

Effect: The application of new technologies can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of mine water damage prevention and control, reduce the incidence and degree of water damage.

Strengthening management measures:

Establish a sound management system: Establish and improve a mine water hazard prevention and control management system, and clarify responsibilities at all levels.

Strengthen training and education: Regularly carry out mine water hazard prevention and control training to improve the awareness and skills of miners and management personnel in prevention and control.

Conduct emergency drills: Regularly organize emergency drills to enhance the ability to respond to sudden water accidents.

Effect: Strengthening management can improve the overall level of mine water prevention and control, ensure the implementation of prevention and control measures, and reduce the occurrence of water accidents.

Mine water damage is a significant risk that cannot be ignored in coal mining. Common types of mine water damage include mine water inrush, waterlogging, water inrush, and overflow. By improving the drainage system, strengthening hydrogeological exploration, applying new technologies, and strengthening management, it is possible to effectively prevent and control mine water hazards and ensure mine safety production. Mining enterprises should attach great importance to the prevention and control of mine water hazards, continuously improve the level of prevention and control, and ensure the safety of miners and the normal operation of mines.



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