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Comprehensive utilization plan and technical application of exhaust air and waste heat in coal-fired

Date:2023-10-10 15:21:16

Coal power plants have always been one of the main sources of energy supply. However, the waste heat generated during coal combustion is often wasted, which not only wastes energy resources but also has a negative impact on the environment. In order to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and achieve green and sustainable development, the comprehensive utilization plan and technology application of waste heat from exhaust air have become particularly important.

1: Source and characteristics of waste heat from exhaust air

Generation of exhaust heat: Exhaust heat refers to the heat that is not fully utilized during the combustion process of boilers in coal-fired power plants, usually dissipated into the environment in the form of waste heat.

Characteristics: The waste heat from exhaust air has the characteristics of high temperature, high heat, and stability, making it a valuable energy resource.

2: Comprehensive utilization plan for waste heat from exhaust air

Comprehensive utilization plan and technical application of exhaust air and waste heat in coal-fired power plants

Electric power generation: By using waste heat boilers and steam transmission equipment, the waste heat of exhaust air is converted into electrical energy, improving the internal self-sufficiency capacity of the power plant.

Heating: Utilizing exhaust heat for urban or industrial heating, reducing the use of coal-fired boilers, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Refrigeration and heating: By utilizing absorption refrigeration and heat pump technology, the waste heat of exhaust air is used for refrigeration and heating, improving energy utilization efficiency.

Industrial process heat utilization: The waste heat of exhaust air is used in industrial processes, such as distillation, drying, and heating, to improve production efficiency.

3: Technical application of waste heat from exhaust air

Waste heat boiler technology: Waste heat boilers are key equipment that converts waste heat from exhaust air into steam, and can be used for heating, power generation, and industrial processes.

Steam turbine power generation technology: Steam turbines are efficient equipment that converts waste heat from exhaust air into electrical energy, which can improve the power generation efficiency of power plants.

Absorption refrigeration technology: Absorption refrigeration utilizes waste heat from exhaust air for refrigeration, which is suitable for the cooling needs of coal-fired power plants and improves the annual operational efficiency of the system.

Heat pump technology: Utilizing waste heat from exhaust air for heating, heat pump technology is widely used in heating and industrial processes, which is energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

The comprehensive utilization of exhaust heat from coal-fired power plants not only helps to improve energy efficiency, but also reduces carbon emissions and environmental loads. Various technological applications and successful cases have shown that the comprehensive utilization of waste heat from exhaust air is feasible and crucial for achieving clean energy and sustainable development goals. We have reason to believe that in the future, the comprehensive utilization of waste heat from exhaust air will be more widely applied in coal power plants and other industrial fields, contributing to sustainable development.



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