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High efficiency direct cooling exhaust air waste heat utilization scheme and Case study

Date:2023-08-02 14:34:15

Energy is an important driving force for promoting social development and economic growth, and energy conservation and recycling have become important means to achieve sustainable development. In the mining production process, a large amount of waste heat has not been effectively recovered and utilized, resulting in waste of energy resources. The direct cooling exhaust air waste heat utilization scheme, as an efficient technology, can recover and utilize the waste heat from the exhaust air, provide hot water, steam and other thermal energy supply, and achieve energy regeneration and utilization.

Working principle: The direct cooling exhaust air waste heat utilization scheme transfers the waste heat from the exhaust air to other media through direct heat exchange, achieving efficient energy conversion. Exhaust air refers to gases that contain less heat, and the medium after heat exchange is usually hot water, steam, or other thermal energy required for mining production processes. The direct cooling exhaust heat utilization scheme adopts an efficient heat exchanger to quickly transfer the heat from the exhaust air to other media, achieving energy regeneration and utilization.

Technical features:

High efficiency: The direct cooling exhaust heat utilization scheme eliminates the conduction, heat transfer, and mass transfer resistance in traditional heat exchange equipment through direct heat exchange, greatly improving heat exchange efficiency. The residual heat in the exhaust air can be efficiently transferred to other media, achieving efficient energy utilization.

Flexible application: The direct cooling exhaust air waste heat utilization scheme can be applied to the renovation of the mine exhaust air discharge system, recycling the originally discharged waste heat to meet the thermal energy needs of different scenarios such as wellhead insulation, building heating, and bathing hot water.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: The direct cooling waste heat utilization scheme effectively reduces energy loss in the exhaust air emission system, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide and having a positive impact on the environment.


High efficiency direct cooling exhaust air waste heat utilization scheme and Case study

The Heshangzui Coal Mine Exhaust Air Heat Extraction Project is located in Datong, Shanxi Province. It is equipped with four two-stage heat extraction medium temperature exhaust air heat pump units, including two KLMK-STS/S-550/137 and two KLMK-STS/S-480/150, with a water supply temperature of ≥ 50 ℃. The project was completed in October 2020 and officially put into use.

The exhaust air heat extraction project of Xinwang Coal Mine in Datong, Shanxi is located in Datong, Shanxi. The project is equipped with two two-stage heating medium temperature exhaust air heat pump units, namely KLMK-STS/S-1000/250 and KLMK-STS/S-800/200, with a water supply temperature of ≥ 50 ℃. They have been running smoothly for three heating seasons and are used for fresh air heating at the wellhead and hot water bathing, with good heating effect. The project was completed in January 2020 and officially put into use.

Environmental benefits: The direct cooling exhaust air waste heat utilization scheme effectively reduces the emission of waste heat, reduces energy consumption, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and has a positive impact on the environment. Efficient waste heat recovery and utilization can help promote green and low-carbon development and reduce dependence on natural resources.

Economic benefits: The direct cooling exhaust heat utilization scheme can improve energy utilization efficiency and reduce production costs for enterprises. By recycling and reusing waste heat, enterprises can save a lot of energy costs, improve production efficiency, and enhance competitiveness. In addition, adopting a direct cooling exhaust heat utilization scheme can also receive support and incentives from energy-saving and emission reduction policies, further increasing economic benefits.

The direct cooling exhaust air waste heat utilization scheme, as an efficient technology, can recover and utilize the waste heat from the exhaust air, provide hot water, steam and other thermal energy supply, and achieve energy regeneration and utilization. Through efficient waste heat recovery and utilization, the direct cooling exhaust air waste heat utilization scheme can not only reduce production costs, improve production efficiency, enhance competitiveness, but also have a positive impact on the environment and promote green and low-carbon development. In practical applications, the direct cooling exhaust heat utilization scheme has achieved a series of successful cases, laying a solid foundation for promoting innovation and application in the field of energy recovery. With the continuous innovation and promotion of technology, it is believed that the direct cooling waste heat utilization scheme will be more widely applied in the future, contributing greater strength to promoting sustainable development.



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