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Research and Application of Low Enthalpy Waste Heat Utilization Technology in Mines

Date:2023-05-26 09:49:09

Mines are important places for energy and resource extraction, often accompanied by a large amount of exhaust air and waste heat generation. Effectively utilizing these low-temperature waste air and waste heat resources can not only reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution, but also improve energy utilization efficiency. Therefore, the research and application of low enthalpy exhaust heat utilization technology in mines is of great significance.

Low enthalpy exhaust air refers to the wind with lower wind speed in the mine shaft. Waste heat refers to the high-temperature waste heat generated in the production and industrial processes of mines. The following will introduce the research and application of waste heat utilization technology for low enthalpy exhaust air in mines:

Heat pump technology: Heat pump technology is a technology that converts low-temperature heat energy into high-temperature heat energy. In the case of low enthalpy exhaust air in mines, heat pump technology can be used to convert low-temperature exhaust air into high-temperature heat energy through the process of compression and expansion. This method can be used for heating, hot water production, and other aspects to provide thermal energy demand for the mine operation area.

Waste heat recovery system: In mine production and industrial processes, a large amount of high-temperature waste heat is generated. Through a waste heat recovery system, these waste heat can be collected and recycled. Use a heat exchanger to transfer waste heat to other equipment or systems that require thermal energy, such as heating systems, hot water systems, etc. This method can reduce energy consumption in mines and improve energy utilization efficiency.

Focusing on solar technology: Mines typically have high sunlight conditions. By utilizing solar energy focusing technology, solar radiation energy can be converted into high-temperature thermal energy. By using devices such as collectors and mirrors, solar energy is focused on the collecting medium, achieving the collection and utilization of high-temperature heat energy. This method can provide a certain amount of thermal energy supply for the mine.

Research and Application of Low Enthalpy Waste Heat Utilization Technology in Mines

Thermal Combined Cycle System: A thermal combined cycle system is a technology that generates both thermal and electrical energy simultaneously. In the utilization of waste heat from low enthalpy exhaust air in mines, the CHP system can be used to convert low-temperature exhaust air and waste heat into electrical and thermal energy. This system generates steam or gas by burning exhaust air or utilizing waste heat, and drives a generator to generate electricity, while recovering waste heat generated during the combustion or gas process. This can greatly improve the efficiency of energy utilization and meet the electricity and thermal energy needs of mines.

Thermal energy storage: thermal energy storage can also be used for the utilization of waste heat from low enthalpy exhaust air in mines. Convert low-temperature exhaust air and waste heat into thermal energy through energy storage equipment for storage when needed. When energy demand peaks, the stored heat energy is released to meet the demand, achieving energy balance and scheduling. This method can fully utilize the low-temperature exhaust air and waste heat resources of the mine, and improve energy utilization efficiency.

Low temperature power generation technology: Low temperature exhaust air in mines can be used for power generation. For example, using organic Rankine cycle technology, the thermal energy in low-temperature exhaust air is converted into mechanical energy, which is then converted into electrical energy through a generator. This technology is suitable for the utilization of exhaust air in lower temperature ranges and can provide partial power demand for mines.

Heat pipe technology: Heat pipes are an efficient heat transfer device that can play an important role in the utilization of low-temperature exhaust air in mines. Through heat pipes, the heat energy from low-temperature exhaust air can be transferred to other equipment or systems, achieving energy transfer and utilization. Heat pipe technology has the advantages of high heat transfer efficiency and simple structure, and has great potential for application in mines.

System integration and optimization: For the application of low enthalpy waste heat utilization technology in mines, system integration and optimization are quite important. By rational planning and design of the system, combined with various technical means, the technologies for waste air and waste heat utilization are coordinated and supplemented, and the energy utilization efficiency is greatly maximized. System integration and optimization can include optimizing equipment layout, improving heat transfer pipeline design, and adopting intelligent control systems to improve overall energy utilization efficiency and system reliability.

In addition, it is also necessary to consider the special working environment and safety requirements of the mine. When researching and applying low enthalpy waste heat utilization technology in mines, it is necessary to carry out reasonable safety design and protective measures for the system to ensure the safety and reliability of operation.

The research and application of low enthalpy exhaust heat utilization technology in mines is of great significance for efficient energy utilization and environmental protection. By adopting the above technical means, the exhausted air and waste heat resources in mines can be greatly utilized, energy consumption can be reduced, reliance on traditional energy can be reduced, and environmental pollution can be reduced. The research and application of these technologies can not only provide reliable energy supply for mines, but also contribute to the sustainable development of mines.



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