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Application of Waste Heat Utilization Technology in Mine Air Shaft Sites

Date:2023-05-24 09:31:17

With the growth of energy demand and the improvement of environmental protection awareness, the effective utilization and regeneration of energy have become the focus of attention. In the air shaft site of the mining area, there are a large number of exhausted air and waste heat resources. If these resources can be effectively utilized, not only can energy consumption be reduced, but also the impact on the environment can be reduced. Therefore, the application of waste heat utilization technology in mine air shaft sites is of great significance.

Lack of wind refers to the phenomenon of low wind speed caused by the terrain, buildings, or equipment at the location of the air shaft. And waste heat refers to the high-temperature waste heat generated in production and industrial processes. The following will introduce some waste heat utilization technologies applied in mine air shaft sites:

Heat pump technology: A heat pump is a device that can convert low-temperature heat energy into high-temperature heat energy. In the case of exhaust air, heat pump technology can be used to convert low-temperature exhaust air into high-temperature heat energy through the process of compression and expansion. This method can be used for heating, hot water production, and other aspects.

Waste heat recovery system: In the production and industrial processes of mining areas, a large amount of waste heat is usually generated. Through a waste heat recovery system, these waste heat can be collected and transferred to other equipment or systems that require heat energy using heat exchangers, such as heating systems, hot water systems, etc. This approach can reduce energy consumption and improve energy utilization efficiency.

Application of Waste Heat Utilization Technology in Mine Air Shaft Sites

Exhaust wind power generation technology: Although the exhaust wind speed is relatively low, it still has a certain amount of wind energy. Technologies such as small wind turbines or vertical axis wind turbines can be utilized to convert exhaust wind into electrical energy. This not only provides a portion of the electricity demand for the mining area, but also reduces dependence on traditional energy.

Thermal energy storage: in the mine air shaft site, thermal energy storage can be used to convert the exhausted air and waste heat into heat energy for storage. When energy demand peaks, stored heat energy can be released to meet demand, thereby balancing energy supply and demand.

Heating system optimization: in the mine air shaft site, the existing heating system can be optimized to reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency. By improving pipeline layout, adding insulation measures, and using efficient heat exchangers, it is possible to maximize the utilization of exhaust air and waste heat resources to supply thermal energy. At the same time, the intelligent control system can realize the accurate adjustment and monitoring of the heating system, and further improve the energy utilization efficiency.

Thermal Combined Cycle System: A thermal combined cycle system is a technology that generates both thermal and electrical energy simultaneously. In the mine air shaft site, the CHP system can be used to convert the waste heat of exhaust air into electrical and thermal energy. This way can greatly utilize energy resources, improve energy utilization efficiency, and reduce dependence on traditional electricity and heating system.

Waste heat recovery and utilization: In addition to utilizing waste heat recovery systems, waste heat can also be further utilized for other purposes. For example, waste heat can be used to generate steam in steam generators for industrial production in mining areas; Alternatively, waste heat can be used for wastewater treatment to improve the efficiency of heat energy utilization while reducing negative impacts on the environment.

Thermal energy storage and distribution system: In the mine air shaft site, a thermal energy storage and distribution system can be constructed to convert exhaust air and waste heat into thermal energy for storage, and allocate it reasonably according to actual needs. This can achieve energy balance and scheduling, and improve energy utilization efficiency.

By applying the waste heat utilization technology of exhaust air, the mining area's air shaft site can achieve efficient energy utilization and regeneration, reducing energy consumption and environmental pollution. This not only helps to improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs, but also promotes sustainable development and the realization of green mining. Therefore, promoting the application of waste heat utilization technology in mine air shaft sites has important economic and environmental benefits.



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