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Safety inspection of dust prevention management and ventilation facilities in coal mines

Date:2023-05-09 09:29:45

Dust prevention management and ventilation facilities in coal mines are important links in maintaining safe production underground. This article will start from two aspects: dust prevention management and ventilation facilities, and explore the safety inspection of underground dust prevention management and ventilation facilities in coal mines.

1、 Dust management

Key points of safety inspection

Dust prevention management in coal mines should start from the source and take measures to reduce the generation and diffusion of coal dust. For the safety inspection of dust prevention management in coal mines, the following aspects should be emphasized:

(1) Whether there are exposed coal bodies that are not covered or sprayed on the mining and support working faces;

(2) Whether roadheader, loader and other equipment are equipped with spray dust suppression equipment and are in normal use;

(3) Whether there is dust accumulation on the underground roads of the coal mine and whether they are cleaned in a timely manner;

(4) Whether the gas extraction work in the coal mine is normal, whether there are air and water leaks, and whether there is gas accumulation.

Dust prevention measures

Safety inspection of dust prevention management and ventilation facilities in coal mines

To address the dust management issues in coal mines, the following dust prevention measures can be taken:

(1) Covering: For exposed coal bodies and coal transported in the open air, covering measures can be adopted to reduce the diffusion of coal dust;

(2) Spray: For areas such as mining and support working faces, spray measures can be adopted to reduce coal dust concentration;

(3) Humidification: By increasing the moisture in the air, it can effectively reduce the diffusion of coal dust and reduce the risk of coal dust explosion;

(4) Cleaning: Dust accumulation in roads, machine rooms, mine wellheads, and other areas should be cleaned in a timely manner.

2、 Ventilation facilities

Key points of safety inspection

Ventilation facilities are one of the important equipment for ensuring safe production underground in coal mines. For the safety inspection of underground ventilation facilities in coal mines, the following aspects should be emphasized:

(1) Whether the ventilation fan operates normally and whether the ventilation air volume meets the requirements;

(2) Whether the ventilation ducts are intact and whether there are any air or water leaks;

(3) Is there a safe passage in the ventilation room, whether the ventilation ducts meet the standards, and whether there are fire and explosion prevention measures in place;

(4) Whether the air doors, fan isolation doors, partitions, etc. are tight and whether there is any air leakage phenomenon;

(5) Whether the ventilation system meets the requirements, whether the ventilation method is reasonable, and whether the ventilation room is equipped with an automatic monitoring system.

Ventilation measures

To address the ventilation management issues in coal mines, the following ventilation measures can be taken:

(1) Normal operation of ventilation fan: Ventilation fan is an important component of underground ventilation facilities in coal mines, and it is necessary to maintain the normal operation of the ventilation fan and meet the requirements of ventilation air volume;

(2) Maintaining the integrity of ventilation ducts: The integrity of ventilation ducts can maintain the normal operation of the ventilation system and avoid phenomena such as air and water leakage;

(3) Setting up fire and explosion prevention facilities: There are flammable and explosive gases such as gas in the coal mine underground, and the ventilation system should be equipped with fire and explosion prevention facilities to maintain the safe operation of the ventilation system;

(4) Reasonable setting of ventilation methods: The ventilation methods in coal mines should be reasonably set according to the specific situation to maintain good ventilation effects;

(5) Equipped with automatic monitoring system: The ventilation system in coal mines should be equipped with an automatic monitoring system, which can monitor parameters such as ventilation air volume, ventilation pressure, and temperature in real time, and timely warn and handle abnormal situations.

In summary, dust prevention management and safety inspection of ventilation facilities in coal mines are key links to ensure safe production in coal mines. By strengthening dust prevention management and safety inspection of ventilation facilities, and adopting corresponding dust prevention and ventilation measures, the incidence of accidents in coal mines can be effectively reduced, and safety production in coal mines can be maintained.



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