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Exploring innovative utilization methods and application scenarios of mine ventilation shortage

Date:2024-06-11 15:04:13

With the continuous growth of energy demand and increasingly strict environmental requirements, how to effectively utilize various energy resources has become a focus of attention in today's society. The lack of ventilation in mines, as the exhaust gas discharged during the ventilation process, contains a large amount of waste heat and potential resources. Effectively utilizing mine ventilation can not only improve energy efficiency but also reduce environmental pollution.

Mine exhaust is the exhaust gas emitted during the ventilation process of a mine, mainly composed of carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, etc. The temperature and humidity of cold air are usually high, containing a certain amount of heat resources. The traditional treatment method mainly involves direct discharge into the atmosphere, which not only wastes valuable energy resources but also has a certain impact on the environment. Therefore, exploring effective ways to utilize mine ventilation is particularly important.

The mine exhaust contains a large amount of heat, which can be effectively extracted through the waste heat recovery system for heating, cooling, and domestic hot water. For example, transferring the heat from the exhaust air to water through a heat exchanger to generate hot water for use by mining employees, or for use in the heating system of mining buildings. This not only improves energy utilization efficiency, but also reduces the heating and domestic hot water costs in the mining area.

Exploring innovative utilization methods and application scenarios of mine ventilation shortage

Methane extraction and utilization: Mine exhaust usually contains a certain amount of methane. Through methane extraction technology, the methane in the exhaust can be extracted and used for power generation, heating and other purposes. Methane, as a clean energy source, has high calorific value and high utilization efficiency. Extracting methane from mine exhaust can effectively reduce energy costs in mining areas and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which has environmental benefits.

Utilization of exhaust heat pump: By using air energy heat pump technology, the heat in the mine exhaust can be extracted and utilized. The exhaust heat pump absorbs heat from the exhaust air and then raises the heat to the available temperature through a compressor, which is used for heating, cooling, and hot water supply in the mining area. The exhaust heat pump system has the characteristics of high efficiency, energy conservation, environmental protection and safety, and is an effective way to utilize the heat of mine exhaust air.

Application scenarios of mine exhaust utilization

Heating in mining areas: In cold regions, the heat from the mine exhaust can be used in the heating system of mining buildings through waste heat recovery systems and air energy heat pump technology. This can not only improve the quality of life of mining area employees, but also reduce heating costs and energy consumption.

Domestic hot water supply in mining areas: Through the exhaust heat recovery system, the heat from the mine exhaust can be transferred to the domestic hot water system, providing stable hot water supply for mining employees. This not only improves the living comfort of employees, but also reduces the energy cost of hot water supply.

Mining area power generation: Through methane extraction technology, methane from mine exhaust can be extracted and used in the power generation system of the mining area. This can not only provide clean energy for the mining area, but also reduce the electricity cost and carbon emissions of the mining area.

Mine ventilation, as a potential energy resource, has broad prospects for utilization. Through innovative utilization methods and diversified application scenarios, the energy utilization efficiency of mine exhaust can be effectively improved, environmental pollution can be reduced, and a win-win situation of economic and environmental benefits can be achieved. With the continuous progress of technology and policy support, the utilization of mine exhaust wind will become an important way of energy utilization and environmental protection, contributing to sustainable development.



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