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Exploration of Technology and Plan for Improving the Efficiency of Waste Heat Recovery from Mine Exh

Date:2023-08-04 16:11:13

Mine ventilation is a large amount of high-temperature waste gas generated during the mining process, which contains abundant thermal energy resources. Recycling and utilizing the waste heat of mine exhaust air is an important way to improve energy efficiency, save energy, and reduce emissions. This article will explore technologies and solutions to improve the efficiency of mine exhaust heat recovery, with the aim of achieving more efficient energy utilization in the mining industry.

Recovery Technology of Waste Heat from Mine Exhaust Air

Application of heat pump technology: Heat pump technology is an efficient energy recycling technology that can convert low-temperature exhaust heat energy into high-temperature heat energy for heating, hot water, and other purposes. Through heat pump technology, the heat energy in the exhaust air can be extracted and effectively converted, achieving efficient energy recovery and utilization.

Waste heat power generation technology: Waste heat power generation technology refers to the conversion of waste heat energy from mine exhaust air into electrical energy. This technology converts the heat energy in the exhaust wind into electrical energy through heat exchange and steam power generation, supplying the power demand of the mine and achieving reasonable energy utilization.

Multi energy cogeneration technology: Multi energy cogeneration technology combines mine exhaust heat with other energy utilization technologies to achieve comprehensive energy utilization. For example, using exhaust heat energy for heating and utilizing waste heat power generation technology to convert waste heat into electrical energy, providing power supply for mines. This multi energy cogeneration technology can maximize the recovery and utilization of waste wind heat energy, improving energy utilization efficiency.

Mine exhaust heat recovery plan

Exploration of Technology and Plan for Improving the Efficiency of Waste Heat Recovery from Mine Exhaust Air

Optimizing the design of ventilation system: Optimizing the design of mine ventilation system is the key to improving the efficiency of waste heat recovery from exhaust air. Reasonably set up ventilation ducts and fans, optimize ventilation wind speed and volume, and make the temperature of exhaust air in the ventilation system as high as possible. At the same time, it is possible to consider adding heat exchange equipment to recover and utilize the heat energy in the exhaust air.

Upgrading the heat pump system: Upgrading and renovating the existing heat pump system to improve its energy utilization efficiency is an effective means to improve the efficiency of waste heat recovery from exhaust air. Adopting advanced heat pump technology and efficient heat exchangers can improve the energy efficiency of the heat pump system and improve the recovery rate of exhaust heat energy.

Waste heat utilization network: Establish a waste heat utilization network that combines waste heat from exhaust air with waste heat from other production processes to achieve energy complementarity and sharing. Through the waste heat utilization network, the waste air heat energy can be combined with the waste heat from other production processes to improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of the waste air waste heat.

The significance and prospect of waste heat recovery efficiency of exhaust air

Energy conservation and emission reduction: Improving the efficiency of waste heat recovery from exhaust air means that more thermal energy is recovered and utilized, reducing dependence on traditional energy, and achieving the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction. This is of great significance for reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions of mining enterprises, and is in line with energy-saving and emission reduction policies.

Resource recycling: waste air and heat is a Renewable resource, and energy recycling can be realized by improving its recovery efficiency. This not only extends the lifespan of energy, but also reduces resource waste, providing strong support for sustainable development.

Economic benefits: The improvement in the efficiency of waste heat recovery from exhaust air means that more thermal energy is recycled and utilized, and mining enterprises can reduce energy procurement costs and improve economic benefits. At the same time, through energy recycling and utilization, other industries can also benefit, bringing more economic benefits to enterprises.

With the continuous progress and research and development of technology, the efficiency of waste heat recovery from mine exhaust air will be further improved. All enterprises should work together to increase support and investment in mine exhaust heat recovery technology, and promote its application in mining. Through continuous exploration and innovation, we aim to elevate the efficiency of waste heat recovery from exhaust air to a higher level, making greater contributions to promoting sustainable energy development and building a green and low-carbon society.



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