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Air source heat pump central heating (working principle of air source heat pump heating)

Date:2023-05-12 10:12:16

Air source heat pump is a new type of energy-saving and environmental protection equipment, which has a wide range of applications, one of which is central heating. This paper will introduce the working principle of air source heat pump central heating in detail.

Principle of air source heat pump central heating

Air source heat pump central heating is to connect multiple air source heat pumps to a central heating system through pipes. After the outdoor air is heated by the air source heat pump, the heat energy is transmitted to the indoor through pipes to achieve the purpose of heating.

Specifically, the process of air source heat pump central heating includes the following steps:

Air source heat pump central heating (working principle of air source heat pump heating)

Collecting heat source: The heat source of air source heat pump central heating is outdoor air, which is sucked into the room by the outdoor unit.

Heating air: After being processed by an air source heat pump, the low-temperature heat in the outdoor air is converted into high-temperature heat, thereby heating the air.

Distribution of heat energy: The heated air is transported indoors through pipelines, and the heat energy is distributed to various rooms through indoor units to achieve indoor heating.

Recovery of heat energy: During the process of air source heat pump central heating, the cold air discharged by the indoor unit still contains a certain amount of heat. By recovering and utilizing this heat energy, the energy utilization efficiency can be further improved.

Compared with traditional gas boiler or electric boiler, air source heat pump central heating can not only significantly reduce energy consumption, but also reduce air pollution and carbon emissions, which has obvious environmental advantages. In addition, due to the use of distributed heating, not only can traditional safety issues such as pipeline leakage and bursting be avoided, but also the comfort and stability of heating can be improved.

Advantages of air source heat pump central heating

Environmental protection and energy conservation: air source heat pump central heating can convert low temperature heat into high temperature heat in the air, which has a relatively high energy utilization efficiency, and also reduces air pollution and carbon emissions.

Safe and reliable: Due to the use of distributed heating, not only can traditional safety issues such as pipeline leakage and bursting be avoided, but also the comfort and stability of heating can be improved.

Comfortable environment: air source heat pump central heating can realize distributed heating and realize the balanced distribution of indoor temperature, thus improving the comfort of heating.

Economical and practical: compared with traditional gas boiler or electric boiler, air source heat pump central heating can not only reduce energy consumption, but also reduce the cost of operation and maintenance, which is more economical and practical.

Air source heat pump central heating is an excellent heating mode. Its advantages of environmental protection, energy saving, comfort, safety, reliability, economy and practicality make it a promising heating mode in modern society. With the continuous development of science and technology, air source heat pump central heating will be more and more concerned and promoted by people, bringing more convenience and comfort to our lives.



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